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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Define: habits

So, the first weekend of my master's program is nearing its end. Here are a few things I learned, aside from the things I really should be learning:

1. Re-establish study habits. The work won't be done in one sitting (sigh), so it's best to allot a few hours each day instead of cramming it up all in one go.

2. Take breaks in between (yey!). As Doc Mine pointed out, neurotransmitters in the brain can only last 2 hours of intensive thinking.

3. Hide the edges of your Rockmelt toolbar. I.e., turn off your virtual personal life during the time you're studying. It's bad enough that you're distracted as it is, it's even worse if you're the one distracting yourself.

4. Find creative ways to take notes. I struggled with this one. I'm used to either keeping notes in a physical notebook in a face to face class, which means I have to type everything after taking notes (redundant effort). If I'm reading off a screen, I take notes using Notepad or OneNote, which means I have to save it in a physical drive. I needed to find a means to carry my notes with me virtually. For this, I found Zoho Notebook. (Ken, an esteemed colleague and chronic blog critic, says this is actually old news.)

In terms of what I'm supposed to be learning, it looks like I am in the right program (thankfully!). No wonder my attempts at taking Psychology never panned out. When taking a course, it's best to choose one that is directly relevant and specific to your interests and current activities. I imagine it would be hard to answer questions when you don't have any experience to draw material from.

(How I answered questions on the relevance of Nitrogen to Leafhopper viral attacks back in college is now a mystery to me lolol.)

The weekend may be ending, but my course work isn't. So, it's time to hit the (e)books once again!...that is after I take a power nap and go to Greenhills (ooops!) :D


  1. Nitrogen is essential to some viruses? Lolz...
    Thus my attempt at being excellent in Botany, I'll stick to Pharmacology anytime. Lolz.
    Love this Candy, promise to never tempt you to join me in my smoking sessions again. Lolz.

  2. Muchas gracias, Megzy. Yes, apparently Nitrogen affects some viruses...come to think of it, what doesn't Nitrogen affect? lol
